Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let's Hear it for the Smurfs!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of the fantastic Labor and Delivery staff here at the hospital. They affectionaly refer to themselves as "The Smurfs" as they all wear lovely blue uniforms.

First, I'd like the mention that they made the "bedrest" portion of my stay very pleasant, and took great care of me. However, they really showed their stuff with the delivery. Everything in the OR was very calm and organized. Everyone had a place, and knew what they were doing. The delivery went off without a hitch.

I am especially grateful to all of the nurses and Dr. Ceasear, the neonatologist, who made sure that I got to spend at least minute or two with each baby, and who also let me hold and kiss Melanie and Oliver before they went to the NICU. I didn't get a second look at Teddy and Audrey, as they needed a little oxygen right off the bat, and had to report straight to the NICU.

Truly, the delivery was a very positive experience, and was much, much more pleasnat than I anticipated.

A couple special thank-yous are in order. First, to Holly, who was the mastermind that organized the whole delivery - many, many thanks! Well done! You deserve a round of applause.

Second, to Linda who was "my" nurse for the delivery. She prepped me for the delivery, looked after me during, and took care of me in recovery. She was very warm, kind, and encouraging through the whole process. She helped to calm me when I was anxious, and was loving, caring, and highly professional the whole way along. She is not only an exemplarly nurse, but an exceptional person. Here's a picture of Linda, the only smurf that I really have a decent picture of:

One final, thank-you to whomever it was in the OR that let me crush your hand while I was getting the spinal block. I had my eyes squeezed tight and my hand in a white-knuckle fist when someone took my fist and then let me wrap my fingers around theirs. I let go before I opened my eyes, so I'm not sure which smurf it was, but THANK YOU!!!

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