Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here's a funny for you all. Bonnie is continuing a long tradition of children creating embarrassing and awkward situations for their parents........

First a little background: Lately, Bonnie thinks it is pretty funny to say "Heard Dat" after she (or someone else) farts audibly. I'm not sure how this started, most likely picked it up from another kid at daycare. She's been doing this for few weeks, and when I started I thought to myself "this could get us in trouble one day....." I've tried to ignore it in hopes that it would go away, but it is sticking around for now.

Yesterday Jim took Bonnie swimming and after that they stopped at Wal Mart to get a few grocery items. While they were there, Bonnie announced that she needed to go to the bathroom. Jim took her to the men's room and was in a stall with her when a man came in and SAT DOWN in the stall next to them.

Bonnie pointed to the other stall and said, "Doing?" as in "what is he doing?" Jim said, "Going to the bathroom."

Then the man farted loudly, and Bonnie immediately chimed in.."HEARD DAT!" Then it happened again, "HEARD DAT!"
and again, "HEARD DAT!"
and again.....Jim said that the man apparently had A LOT of gas, and Bonnie yelled, "HEARD DAT!" at least 7 or 8 times.

In the meantime, Jim is DYING, and trying not to laugh out loud. He said that they just hung out in the stall until the guy left.

So, no pictures to go along with that story, but enjoyable nonetheless!


Karla said...

Freakin' HILARIOUS!!!! I can just hear her...I'd be laughing so hard!!

Cassidy said...

hi Marie
2 mth with no news, I Hope that the 4 babaies and big sis are all doing well

Karla said...

Did this blog die???